Friday 12 July 2013

Week 9

Finally week 9 also ended, day by day the burden of assignments are increasing but ICT is an interesting subject. It really helped me to use the all aplications of computer in the right way.The lecturer taught us about internet and its applications in the 9th week.
The Internet (or internet) is a global system of interconnected computer networks that use the standard Internet protocol suite (often called TCP/IP, although not all applications use TCP) to serve billions of users worldwide. It is a network of networks that consists of millions of private, public, academic, business, and government networks, of local to global scope, that are linked by a broad array of electronic, wireless and optical networking technologies. The Internet carries an extensive range of information resources and services, such as the inter-linked hypertext documents of the World Wide Web (WWW) and the infrastructure to support email.
Uses Of Internet:

Internet has been the most useful technology of the modern times which helps us not only in our daily lives, but also our personal and professional lives developments. The internet helps us achieve this in several different ways.For the students and educational purposes the internet is widely used to gather information so as to do the research or add to the knowledge of any sort of subject they have. Even the business personals and the professions like doctors, access the internet to filter the necessary information for their use. The internet is therefore the largest encyclopedia for everyone, in all age categories.The internet has served to be more useful in maintaining contacts with friends and relatives who live abroad permanently. The easiest communication means like the internet chatting systems and the emails are the best and the most common for the maintaining contacts with the people around the world.Not to forget internet is useful in providing with most of the fun these days. May it be all the games, and networking conferences or the online movies, songs, dramas and quizzes, internet has provided the users with a great opportunity to eradicate the boredom from their lives.Internet is also used to upgrade the internet and use special software to work on the projects and documentation works as the internet enables the user to download a myriad of different software for a variety of different purposes, making it much easier than buying the costly software cds.


World Wide Web or "the Web", a hypertext system that operates over the Internet.

Web browser, used to access the World Wide Web.

Week 8(part 1)

In this week our lecturer taught us about the presentation skills on MS power point.That was the most important lecture was us.We learnt alot during this week that might be useful in future.Now its time to share my understanding with my blog.So,At first we learnt what is actually Ms power point.

Introduction of MS PowerPoint:

Compare Microsoft PowerPoint is a software product used to perform computer-based presentations. There are various circumstances in which a presentation is made: teaching a class, introducing a product to sell, explaining an organizational structure, etc.

Applying Themes In power point:

We can change the size,color themes in power point.In power point these all features are so important to make the presentation professional. 

Inserting an images:

In power point we can insert to make it more creative.

Screenshots in slides:

A screen dump, screen capture (or screen-cap), screenshot (or screen shot), screen grab (or screen grab), or print screen is an image taken by the computer user to record the visible items displayed on the monitor, television, or another visual output device


You can apply different transition to some or all of your slides to give your presentation a polished,professional look.There are three categories of unique transitions to choose from,all of which can be found on the transitions tab.'

Word art and shapes:

There are many features and commands that can use in power point to create visually appealing slides.
Two of these features are word art and shapes.

Word art:

Allows the user to create stylized text with effect such as textures, shadows,outline and more.It can be applied to text on any slide.The user can also insert a variety of shapes such as rectangles,circles,lines,arrows and starts.

Formatting image:

In PowerPoint  to change the font style,size color and for everything we use this feature to modify the text.

Thursday 11 July 2013

Week 7(part 2)

This class was so important for all us.Because next week, we are going to give our lab text and this test was about Ms excel and Ms word.In this week our lecturer taught us about the some other features of the MS excel which ,I am going to describe below.


A spark line is a small embedded line graph that illustrates a single trend. Sparklines do not include axes or labels; context comes from the related content.

Types of Sparklines:

There are three main types of spark line such as
  • Line Sparklines
  • Column Sparklines
  • Win/Loss Sparklines

Pivot table:

In data processing, a pivot table is a data summarization tool found in data visualization programs such as spreadsheets or business intelligence software.

Reviewing and sharing Workbooks:

  • To track changes
  • Add comments
  • Compare two version of a worksheet
  • To prepare a final version for sharing including how to check spellings

Week 7(part 1)

It was our first class after the midterm exams.Everyone was so excited to know about their marks in the exams.Before announced the result our lecturer gave us introductory speech about the midterm result and he also encourage us for the the final exams.So that we can get good marks in the final marks.In this week we learnt about the Microsoft excel.Now, I am going to share my understanding with my blog.


Software developed and manufactured by Microsoft Corporation that allows users to organize, format, and calculate data with formulas using a spreadsheet system broken up by rows and columns. Microsoft Excel usually comes bundled with Microsoft Office and is compatible with other applications offered in the suite of products. The first software program similar to Excel was released in 1982 and was called Multiplan

Cell basic Include:

In excel we can use cell to organize the data and also for analysis.In which we can copy the text,paste the text,and also drop the cell.

Modifying columns,rows and cell:

According to the size of the text we can modify columns and rows width.We can also merge the cell.

Use of formula on MS Excel:

Microsoft Excel, you can enter numbers and mathematical formulas into cells. Whether you enter a number or a formula, you can reference the cell when you perform mathematical calculations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division. When entering a mathematical formula, precede the formula with an equal sign.


By formatting we can change the style of our document.We can change the font size and also we can change the style of the text to make it more professional.We can also put margins in the document.

Week 6( part 2)

It was our last class before going to sit in the MID TERM.In the class our lecturer gave us some important notes for the preparation of mid term.My lecturer also taught us little bit about the Advanced skills of ms word.Now, I am going to discuss about these term whatever my lecturer taught us during the week 6.
Advanced Skills of Microsoft Word:

Advanced Microsoft word include the three features such as,
  • Creating mail merge Document:
  • Working with templates and styles
  • Customize tables and charts
Creating mail merge document:
The main purpose of the mail merge document is to produce multiple letters,documents and it also used to send multiple mails at a time.

Working with templates and styles:
This feature is use to change the style and template of the document to make it more professional.

Customize tables and charts:
This feature is used to put charts and tables in the document to make it more understandable.

Week 6 (part 1)

Alhamdulillah!Now I am going to share my understanding about week 6.I was so depressed in this week because I have mid term exam and also alot of assignments that I have to do during the week.In this week , we learnt about the Word processing skills.I was little bit familiar with this topic, So it become very easy for me to understand during the class.
Microsoft office:
Microsoft office includes a variety of programs such as,
  • Microsoft word 
  • Microsoft Excel
  • Microsoft Access
  • Microsoft Outlook
  • Microsoft Publisher
  • Microsoft One Note
  • Microsoft Info Path
  • Microsoft SharePoint work space
  • Microsoft Communicator
  • Microsoft Web apps

Introduction to Microsoft Word:

Microsoft word is one of the most powerful and widely used word processing programs.Whether you want to type a simple letter or produce a complex book,Word can handle the job for you.Microsoft Word is a software to aid in the composition,revision,filing and printing of text.It is not limited to text, however, we cal also edit the graphics,clip-art.

Starting of Microsoft word:

Features of Microsoft Word:

  • Ribbons
  • Mini toolbar
  • Quick access toolbar
  • Formatting


The purpose of the ribbon is to provide quick access to commonly used tasks within each program. Therefore, the ribbon is customized for each application and contains commands specific to the program. Additionally, the top of the ribbon includes several tabs that are used to reveal different groups of commands. For example, the Microsoft Word ribbon includes Home, Insert, Page Layout, References, and other tabs that each display a different set of commands when selected.

Mini toolbar:

A mini toolbar allowing quick access to related objects.

Quick access toolbar:

The Quick Access Toolbar (QAT) is a small, customization toolbar that exposes a set of Commands that are specified by the application or selected by the user.


Format feature automatically formats a document as you type it by applying the associated styles to text.

Week 5 (part 2)

Thank GOD finally week 5 has been finished.In this week ,we learnt about the Ms Windows OS and also learnt about how to manage files and folders in windows OS.
Window 7 File management:
There are five main ways of file management in windows 7.

  1. Get to know the document library
  2. Use libraries for quick access
  3. Avoid the home groups password pitfall
  4. Save time with jumps list
  5. Work efficiently with two instances of windows explorer

Managing files and folders:
There are many ways to manege files and folders.But some of them are very important which,I am going to discuss below.

  1. Keep names short
  2. Separate ongoing and completed work
  3. Store like with like
  4. Avoid large folder structure

Types of libraries:
There are four types of libraries.

  1. Music
  2. Pictures
  3. Video
  4. Document

Disk cleaner:
Disk cleaner is a free source tool to quickly and easily clean your hard disk from temporary files those in the system,temporary folders,the internet Explorer Cache and Cookies folder and the Recycle bin.

Windows Special folders:

System restore:
System restore is a feature first introduced in windows XP.It allows users to restore their computers to a previous state without losing personal data files.System restore automatically creates restore points,which you can use to revert your system to the way it was at a previous time.

Week 5 (part 1)

In this week we learnt about the MS window. At first, I don't know even a sin gal word about it.But now after the end of this week I have something to share about the windows.Thing that I understand about windows is, windows is a piece of software on any computer is the operating system.The operating system gives the framework upon which all other services and applications run.
In this week , we learnt about the
  • History of windows OS
  • Microsoft windows
  • Anatomy of Windows 7
History of windows OS:
Microsoft released a number of windows operating system ranging from windows X,NT,server from 1985 till now.The latest is windows 7 released in 2009.Window 8 also has been released.
Microsoft Window:
A family of operating system for personal computers.Windows dominates the personal computer world,
by some estimates,on 90% of all personal computers.The remaining 10% are mostly Macintosh computers. Like the multitasking ,and support for many peripheral devices.

Anatomy of window 7:

  1. Aero view
  2. Taskbar
  3. Search
  4. Libraries
  5. Gadgets
Aero view:
Aero is hardware-based graphical user interface in window 7.It is intended to offer more advanced features than are available in the standard interface,including new transparencies and animations.
The Taskbar is long horizontal bar at the bottom of your screen.Unlike the desktop,which can get obscured by the windows on the top of it, the Taskbar is visible almost all the time.

In windows 7 search is the quick way to search something.As soon as you start typing in the search bar in the start menu.Then you will find the list of the relevant topic.
An organizational features of the windows 7 file system that provides a top-level view into files and folders.Window 7 comes with 4 libraries such as Document,Music,Pictures and Videos

Gadgets is a software widget or a small application,that is designed to sit on a user's desktop scree in much the same way that apps reside on smartphones and tablets.

Week 4( part 2)

Finally week 4 has been ended.In this week ,we learnt about the communications medium for networking and also learnt about the types of networking .
Networking communication medium:

  • Communication channel 
  • Network media
  • Physical media 
  • Physical medium 
  • Digital communication 
  • Wireless Networking
Now I am going to discuss about the types of networking.There are three main types of networking.
Types of networking :

LAN (Local area network)
WAN(Wide area network)
MAN(Metropolitan area network)
LAN(Local area network):
Local area network is the group of two or more computers, physically close together usually in the same building that are linked to gather to each other.LANs can contain devices other than computers, For example, Printers,Print servers,Storage devices,etc

WAN(Wide area network):
 A network that spans a relatively large geographical area. Typically a WAN consist of two or more local area network.Computers connected to a wide area network are often connected through public networks, such as the telephone system.

MAN(Metropolitan area network):
A metropolitan area network is a computer network that usually spans a city or large campus.A MAN usually interconnected a number of local area networks (LAN) using a high-capacity backbone technology,such as fiber-optic links, and provides up link services to wide area network and the internet.

At first , I was so confused between three main types of Networking but now I have alot of knowledge and understanding about them.

Week 4 (part 1)

In week 4 the lecturer taught us about the networks. Networking is really important in field of ICT. We did alot discussions in this week about Networking and we finally concluded without networking its really difficult  to do new inventions.
Computer network:
It is simply a group of interconnected computers. eg the internet, ATM, school network etc.
Network components:
Major components of a computer network:

  • Communication media
  • Interconnecting devices
  • Computers
  • Network software
  • Applications
Data communications:
Data communication is the transmission of electronic data over some media .The media may be cable, microwave.

 Characteristic of Data Transmission :
There are three main characteristics of data transmission which ,I am going to discuss below.
  • Bandwidth
  • Serial or Parallel data transmission 
  • Analog and Digital signal
First I am going to describe Bandwidth.
The bandwidth is related to the connection speed at which certain portion of data are transferred over the internet.
Parallel and Serial transmission of data :
Parallel data transmission:
In parallel transmission,multiple bits are sent simultaneously on different channels within the same cable,or radio path, and synchronized to a clock.
Serial data transmission:
In serial transmission, bits are sent sequentially on the same channel (wire) which reduces costs for wire but slow the speed of transmission. Also,for serial transmission, some overhead time is needed since bits must be  assembled and sent as a unit and then disassembled at the receiver.
Analog and Digital signal:
Analog signal:
Analog signal is a continuously varying representation of a condition,physical phenomenon ,or quantity such as flow, pressure, or temperature, transmitted as electrical,mechanical, or pneumatic energy.
Digital signal:
A digital refers to an electrical signal that is converted into pattern of bits.Unlike an analog signals,Which is a continuous signal that contains time- varying quantities, a digital signals has a discrete value at each sampling point

Week 3 (part 2)

Some Operating System functions are starting and shutting down computer, providing a using interface, managing programs, managing memory, coordinating tasks, configuring devices,monitoring performance,updating software automatically, controlling a network,administering security.

User Interface :The user interface, in the industrial design field of human-machine interaction, is the space where interaction between humans and machines occurs. The goal of interaction between a human and a machine at the user interface is effective operation and control of the machine, and feedback from the machine which aids the operator in making operational decisions
Types of user Interface :

Graphical User Interface ( GUI) : A graphical user interface (GUI) is a type of user Interface that allows users to Interact with electronic devices using images rather than text commands.

Command Line Interface (CLI) : A command-line interface (CLI) is a means of interaction with a computer program where the user (or client) issues commands to a program in the form of successive lines of text (command lines).
Operating SystemAn operating system (OS) is a collection of software that manages computer hardware resources and provides common services for computer programs. The operating system is a vital component of the system software in a computer system.

  • Windows 7
  • Windows xp
  • Mac OS
  • Linux  etc

Week 3

hey :) this was the most busy week till now. We have learnt a lot in this week. The lecturer taught us about the software and its components.
Software : The Intangible part of computer is known as Software. We cannot touch Software physically. It tells computer what, how and when to do.
Software is divided into three categories :

  • System software
  • Application Software
  • Programming Language 
We all got surprise first that how can a software communicate with computer that what to do and how to do then lecturer taught us that It must be given a detailed list of instructions, called a compute program or software that tells it directly that what it has to do. Then lecturer told us about Operating system functions.

Week 2 (part two)

Computer processing power is measured in hertz (Hz). cycles per second. 
1 byte= 8 bits (Binary Digits)= 1 character
The Important things about computer are as follows :
  • Processor Speed
  • Memory Capacity
  • Hard Disc capacity
  • optical Storage Devices speed

Categories Of computer :
  • Embedded Computers
  • Mobile Devices Computers
  • Personal Computers
  • Midrange Servers
  • Main frames
  • Supercomputers


Week 2 (part one)

Welcome back :) Week two finaly ended. In this week we have learnt about Computer Hardware Basics. such as Computer History, Computer architecture,Size, Processing, power and Types of Computers. I ll just go through them quickly.
1st Generation-Vaccuum tube
2nd Generation-Transistors
3rd Generation-Integrated circuits (IC)
4th Generation-VLSI/ULSI
5th Generation- Nanotechnology and still going on