Thursday 11 July 2013

Week 6( part 2)

It was our last class before going to sit in the MID TERM.In the class our lecturer gave us some important notes for the preparation of mid term.My lecturer also taught us little bit about the Advanced skills of ms word.Now, I am going to discuss about these term whatever my lecturer taught us during the week 6.
Advanced Skills of Microsoft Word:

Advanced Microsoft word include the three features such as,
  • Creating mail merge Document:
  • Working with templates and styles
  • Customize tables and charts
Creating mail merge document:
The main purpose of the mail merge document is to produce multiple letters,documents and it also used to send multiple mails at a time.

Working with templates and styles:
This feature is use to change the style and template of the document to make it more professional.

Customize tables and charts:
This feature is used to put charts and tables in the document to make it more understandable.

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