Tuesday 10 December 2013

Tarek Jawad
This is my second blog which is about ( information literacy)
 My lecturer is Miss  Nur Khairunnisha Zainal

information Literacy: The ability to know when there is a need for information, to be able to identify, locate, evaluate, and effectively use that information for the issue or problem at hand. Although this definition seems to be most commonly used, there are other definitions that are widely recognized as well. For example, another conception defines it in terms of a set of competencies that an informed citizen of an information society ought to possess to participate intelligently and actively in that society or we can say it is a framework of solving problems.

                                         INFORMATION LITERACY PROCESS FRAMEWORK:

Task Definition

Define the problem + Identify info requirements
Information Seeking Strategies

Determine range sources + Prioritize sources
Location Access

Locate sources + Find Info
Use of information

Engage ( read,view, hear, touch) , extract info

Organize + present
Evaluation process

Judge the product + Judge the process

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